Tuition for each of these schools is "FREE". Please read the school curriculum carefully before registering. Students are responsible for providing their own equipment, transportation, meals and lodging. All schools are limited in size, and for obvious reasons, extremely popular. As such, the only way to fairly select officers for these classes is by random drawing.
Registering for a Tuition-Free School does guarantee that you are in that school. If your registration is drawn for a school, you will be notified via E-mail approximately eight weeks prior to the school.
Those persons who have already attended a tuition free class during the current calendar will still be considered for other schools, but only after those persons who have not yet had the opportunity to attend a class. Only one registration per officer, per school will be accepted. You may register for as many schools as you are interested in.
The NRA is not responsible for any expenses incurred, in the event the school is cancelled by the manufacturer and/or by the NRA.
Once you have completed the electronic form below, click on the "Submit Request" button at the bottom only once. You should then receive a message thanking you for your request. You will not receive any other confirmation of your submission, nor will you be contacted by any member of the NRA's Law Enforcement Division, unless you have been selected.
Register for any of tuition-free training classes online by completing the form below and clicking the "submit" button below.
A valid email address (and confirmation) is required for registering online.
The NRA Law Enforcement Division offers a complete police shooting program to police departments and law enforcement agencies to encourage patrol officers to gain more experience, training and time on the range using their duty firearms.